A good Team
Our industrial designers work seamlessly with the engineering and manufacturing teams to enhance the functionality, usability, and appearance of your product in order to create an extraordinary customer experience.
Streamlined, efficient, responsive and cost-effective R&D process
ldea Generation
The basi idea is created and described.
ldea Screening
The costs, profts, and potential sales of the offering are calculated at different price levels.The company also considers howwell the offering fhts in with its competitive strategy.
Feature Specification
Detailed specifications for the product are developed. Its features and pricing are established.
The actual offering is designed.
The ofering is tested, frst in the lab and then with real customers.
Launch (Commercialization)
The ffering is made available to customers.
Evaluationthe appropriate value to consumers
The offering is evaluated as to whether it is delivering the appropriate values to consumers, as well as meeting the firm’s business goals.
We focus on helmet
safety with performance
Add: Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China